Student: Vishnu C.P. (2016-18)
Guided by: Prof. Sugandh Malhotra
Taxis running on the roads play an important role in signifying the glory of City. It connects people to places within the city thus forming a network between various destinations. The taxi is also a symbol that signifies a city. They function to fulfil the needs of people commuting in the city and becomes a character of animation that narrates the story of the city. Thus they form an icon of the city performing a particular function as well as reflecting the character of the city.
Presently recognition of taxi based on character reflecting the essence of Mumbai is missing. Noticeability of such characteristics is important because it creates an image of the city in peoples mind. These Characteristics that define the city, recalls the deeply rooted culture of the city, creates a symbolic idea of the city has to be reflected in the design. Thus design becomes iconic. Iconic is being symbolic in values, unique in function and appearance, historical presence, representing the culture. Establishing these characters onto design would be more impactful in peoples life. Being iconic effect the way we feel about the city, a moment to be proud of thus taxi rather than just being a vehicle that moves from point A to point B also serves the purpose of recalling ethos and values of the city through design and experience of travelling.
The project is to design an iconic taxi for Mumbai. The main idea is to research on the iconic elements of South Mumbai, how has it evolved to be an icon, how it impacts people life, and how it shapes the city’s glory and thus define certain characters out of these elements that could be used for designing the taxi. The project also aims at giving a new experience in commuting within the city. Taxi rather than just being a means of transport becomes a vital part in narrating the glory of the city.